Regional Affiliates

Current affiliates:

Alberta Writing Centres Association (AWCA)
> Member institutions

Atlantic Canadian Writing Centres Association (ACWCA)
> Member institutions

British Columbia Writing Centres Association (BCWCA)
> Member institutions

Guidelines for regional affiliates of CWCA/ACCR

The purpose of regional affiliates of CWCA/ACCR is to enable and foster connections between writing centre professionals outside of our annual conference. By creating opportunities for smaller group gatherings within particular geographical regions, we also hope to make involvement possible for those without large travel budgets who cannot regularly attend our national conference.

Regional affiliates

  1. maintain an active membership list;
  2. provide content for a dedicated page on the CWCA/ACCr website;
  3. commit to organizing a minimum of one regional event per calendar year;
  4. provide CWCA/ACCR with updates about regional events and news, as required;
  5. may be eligible for funding to support regional events.

To apply for regional affiliate status, regional groups need to demonstrate:

  1. that they have developed and maintain a list of regional participants;
  2. that they communicate with this list regularly;
  3. that they have organized at least one gathering of participants within the last twelve months;
  4. that they have identified a point person who will be responsible for communications with CWCA/ACCR.

Applications can be made via email to the current CWCA President

Regional affiliate status is conferred by the CWCA Board.